The ultimate skill of Leadership : Building relationships

Monday, November 21, 2022

Whatever your role, position and ambition, the ultimate skill is about building relationships.‍

Not coertion or one way relationships. 

But intelligent, trusting relationships based on drive, openness, curiosity, generosity. Relationships based on the here and now. Relationships with purpose and focused on results. 

It is important to invest on people to make Relationships effective and powerful.

It is key to be authentic, to give of oneself, be present and passionate about the person.

In order to achieve this you need to know yourself, be clear with yourself and be 100pc aware of everything going on. You need to listen, react, play, danse with the person…

Relationships need time to build up and seconds to be destroyed.

Take care of them. Take care of people. Take care.

Give your attention, your spontaneity, your generosity, your love to people.

Create and negotiate  alliances that allow each person to feel at ease and motivated by the relationship. Share objectives, interests and co-create…

Contribute together at building your businesses, at making real your visions and contributing to the world.

This world needs authenticity, generosity, courage, leadership.

True and honest relationships can bring that and contribute to creating a better world.

How do you relate to others?